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New Book By Owen Wormser
In Lawns Into Meadows, landscape designer Owen Wormser makes a case for the power and generosity of meadows. In a world where lawns have wreaked havoc on our natural ecosystems, meadows offer a compelling solution: They establish wildlife and pollinator habitats. They’re low-maintenance and low-cost. They have a built-in resilience that helps them weather climate extremes, and they can draw down and store far more carbon dioxide than any manicured lawn. It is garden landscaping that is beautiful, all year round.
Published by Stone Pier Press
P R A I S E & P R E S S F O R L A W N S I N T O M E A D O W S
It’s time to rebuild meadows wherever we can, including the deadscape we call lawn. Owen Wormser explains why, and how to do this, with oodles of highly readable, ecologically sound advice.
I love the voicing in this book. It brought meadows and flowers to life for me in many ways that I am going to continue to enjoy.